Tooth Extractions–Houston, TX

Extracted tooth and dental instruments

Hassle-Free Tooth Extractions

Dentists strive to preserve every natural tooth because they are essential for a healthy, functional smile. However, extraction is best in certain situations. If you need to have a tooth removed, Dr. Roman has the experience and qualifications you can trust. He’ll provide the personalized care you need while keeping your comfort as his top priority.

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

Tooth extractions are only recommended when there are no other viable treatment options. It is not a decision Dr. Roman takes lightly, but he may recommend removing a tooth for certain situations, like:

  • Wisdom Teeth: Many people need to have their wisdom teeth removed from partial or full impactions. Often, there’s not enough room in the mouth to accommodate a third set of molars, which can lead to many complications, like pain and infections.
  • Severe Damage: Sometimes a tooth can be too badly damaged by decay, infection, or trauma. If it’s not repairable, it’s best to have it removed and replaced.
  • Orthodontics: severe cases of overcrowding can be resolved by removing specific teeth to create more room in the mouth.
  • Dentures: If your teeth are badly damaged or you only have a couple remaining, extracting them can be the first step to completing your smile with dentures.

The Process of Removing a Tooth

Depending on your situation, Dr. Roman will recommend either:

  • Simple Extraction: A local anesthetic and sedative are used to keep you comfortable while your tooth is loosened and removed with forceps.
  • Surgical Extraction: If a tooth is not fully visible above the gum tissue, it will need to be surgically extracted. Sedation will be used to block any pain as your dentist opens your gum tissue to expose the tooth. It may be broken into smaller pieces to make it easier to remove. Your gum tissue will be sutured closed to allow the area to heal.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Generally, simple extractions are easier to recover from because they aren’t as invasive. No matter the method used, you can ensure a quick recovery by following a few aftercare tips:

  • Take It Easy: You will need to spend at least the next 24 hours resting to allow the effects of any sedatives or numbing agents to dissipate. You will also need to avoid strenuous activities for at least one week.
  • Eat and Drink Carefully: Temperature check any foods or drinks until after any numbing medications wear off. Avoid anything carbonated, acidic, or spicy. It’s best to stick to soft foods for a couple of days.
  • Manage Pain and Swelling: Take a prescribed or over-the-counter pain reliever to manage any discomfort. Applying a cold compress will also provide relief while reducing swelling and bruising.
  • Protect the Blood Clot: If the blood clot in the extraction site is lost too soon, it can lead to a dry socket, which is very painful. You can reduce your risk by not using a straw when drinking because suction can dislodge it. Do not rinse your mouth vigorously and avoid touching the surgical site.
  • Keep Your Mouth Clean: Follow Dr. Roman’s oral hygiene instructions. You can also rinse your mouth with salt water to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation, but only lightly swish it around and let it flow out into the sink.
  • Avoid Tobacco and Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol can affect your body’s ability to heal and fight infections, which can complicate your recovery.

If you need a consultation for tooth extraction, request an appointment online or call (281) 559-0130.

Understanding the Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Female patient smiling and sitting in dental chair

If your wisdom teeth are doing more harm than good, it’s best to have them removed as soon as you can. But before you commit to your treatment, you should take the time to speak to our team about the costs involved. Not every patient will pay the exact same amount for wisdom tooth extraction; fortunately, it’s possible to put together an estimate once we have had a chance to take a close look at your mouth.

Factors That Can Impact the Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Illustration of an impacted wisdom tooth in Houston, TX

The number of teeth being removed affects the amount that you need to pay for the treatment. The wisdom teeth are typically all extracted at once, but the option to only have one or two removed during a single treatment does exist. Additionally, while most people have four wisdom teeth, some individuals have fewer than that.

The difficulty of the extraction procedure also has to be taken into account. Impacted wisdom teeth tend to be more challenging to remove compared to wisdom teeth that have managed to at least partially erupt. Generally, the more difficult a procedure is, the more costly you can expect it to be.

Another factor to consider is the use of sedation, which can help you stay calm and comfortable while your wisdom teeth are being removed. Sedation comes with its own separate cost to consider. The exact amount that you pay can vary based on the sedation method in question.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

Computer monitor displaying a dental insurance form

If you have dental insurance, you should double-check your benefits to make sure that you have a full grasp of what is and isn’t covered. In many cases, your insurance company will be willing to help cover the cost of wisdom tooth removal as long as the procedure is medically necessary.

Some plans may offer 50% to 80% coverage for wisdom tooth extraction. The complexity of the procedure can have an influence on how much your insurance company will pay for it.

We don’t want you to worry too much about your insurance while you’re having dental work performed, so we’ll take the time to answer any questions you have and give you advice for maximizing your benefits. If there are any claims to file, we can take care of them.

How to Make Wisdom Tooth Extractions Affordable

Male dental patient in a denim jacket smiling

Do you not have dental insurance? We can aid you in finding other ways to make paying for your wisdom tooth extraction less stressful. One particularly helpful option is CareCredit, a third-party financing company with multiple payment plans to choose from. CareCredit plans often come with low interest rates, and some have no interest to worry about at all. Talk to us if you would like more information about CareCredit; we want you to be fully aware of all of your financial options.